The TRUTH about the Covid-19 Injections

Is this the most egregious attempt at mass genocide & crimes against humanity ever? You be the judge!

By Michael Ginsburg

Last updated: February 26, 2023

Pretty much since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the so called "Public Health Authorities" kept hammering the notion that the only way for us to ever return to normality is through a vaccine against Covid-19 that will be administered to the entire population (ideally) or at least to the overwhelming majority.

This narrative was supported by 'scientific papers', opinion pieces from so called 'experts' (many of whom tried to coerce people through shame) and constant reassurances that despite the fact these products were developed in record time with most of the ones used in the west also relying on novel technology never used before on a large scale on humans, were "safe & effective".

The CDC even went as far as changing the formal definition of the word "vaccine" which was used for decades and replaced it with one more suited to their narrative and which allowed them to call these injectable therapeutics vaccines instead of what most of them really were: genetic therapies.

As you'll see in this post, these injections are not just anything but vaccines but tools designed specifically and intentionally to be used as weapons of mass genocide.

Suppression of all early/alternative treatments that actually were "Safe & Effective"

In order to get as many people as possible to take the COVID-19 Injections, it was crucial to convince them that this was the only viable solution that could be administered on a large scale and within a reasonable timeframe.

There was just one (BIG) problem: by the time the public health authorities were ready to start rolling out their injections, many leading clinicians all over the world already determined that there were existing medications that could be used very effectively to treat COVID-19 patients and prevent serious outcomes such as hospitalisation and death.

Furthermore, many of these existing medications such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were off-patent which meant they could be manufactured as generics anywhere in the world and for a very low cost.

This meant that COVID-19 patients could be treated very effectively and safely for as low as $1 per day and without the need in many cases for hospitalisations and the use of ventilators and expensive patented drugs that actually ended up killing most patients.

The narrative favoured by the authorities ("Nothing to do but wait for the vaccines. They will save us and life will then return to normal") became even harder to maintain with news coming out of the state of Uttar Pradesh in India where the local health authorities started a state-wide roll out of COVID kits to people testing positive as cases started exploding there, especially with the emergence of what is now known as the Delta variant. One of the only medicines included in the kits was Ivermectin.

The outcome of this move was pretty dramatic as discussed below by Dr. John Campbell, a retired Nurse Teacher based in England:

These outcomes were inline with this study from August 2020 (so well before any C19 injections were available to the general public) by researchers from the Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences who reached a pretty clear conclusion:

"Based on evidences it seems prudent to use IVM empirically and conduct well designed controlled randomised trials to prove its efficacy in vivo."


So how did the 'public health' authorities (who are supposed to have our health at the centre of everything they do) around the world responded?

They banned the use or even sale of Ivermectin, they attacked and took the license of anyone advocating early treatments and most of all: they censored!

There are so many examples of such censorship that I could write a very very (very!) long post just on that but I am going to give just one which contributed greatly to my own personal awakening:

On June 25, 2021, one of the local affiliates of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), Australia's public (i.e. taxpayer funded) broadcaster, posted the following on their Facebook page:

The post is still live on Facebook at the time I am posting this and still links to this page on the ABC's website in which an audio file of a radio interview with one of the most prominent immunologists in Australia, Professor Robert Clancy, was embedded.

However, if you go to this link now, you'll see that the ABC have removed the content. This has been the case from about two days after the interview and to this day.

Luckily, I have the audio of this interview and I am including it in full and unedited below. You be the judge whether such censorship was warranted or not and more importantly, whether the ABC censoring this content has likely resulted in direct harm to people!


Mandating the Injections

The COVID-19 shots officially commenced their global public rollout in Israel when the first shipment of the Pfizer injections arrived to that country in December 2020.

The Israeli Prime Minister and his Health Minister both got 'vaccinated' live on national TV:

Watch closely the video above:

I'm no medical expert but aren't you meant to wear medical gloves when administering any injection, infusion or anything involving a needle to a patient?

Anyway, moving on.

Things moved pretty quickly from there and all over the world governments have pulled all the stops and spent incredible amounts of their taxpayers' money on large scale advertising campaigns with the private sector quickly joining in to offer inducements ranging from free food and free beer all the way to lotteries giving people taking the injections the chance to win millions of dollars in cold hard cash!

This promo video for the third installment of the "Plandemic" series, due to come out in June 2023, does an excellent job highlighting all of that.

As you watch it ask yourself this: Have you EVER seen campaigns like these for a vaccine (or any other medical procedure for that matter) previously in your entire life?

Things continued to move pretty quickly and after the 'promotional campaigns' clearly failed to achieve the desired targets within the desired timeframe, the mandates started!

The mandates initially started by employers in various industries, including in those where it made absolutely no sense as most of the people were working from home but governments all over the so called "free world" soon joined in on the action.

As an example, here is an ad from my local state government in Queensland, Australia 'promoting' the mandates:

Things have escalated rapidly and dramatically, especially in western countries that up until that moment were 'poster children' of modern liberal democracies, none more so than Canada.

Another great example I want to specifically highlight is that of New Zealand and its now former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who went from saying nobody will need to take these products if they don't want to, to openly saying she wants to create a "two tiered society" in which the "unvaccinated" will be officially considered as second class citizens. All that 'transformation' within a space of just over 18 months!

Now stop and think for a second: WHY? Is it really about protecting people from a supposedly "deadly virus"?

While you contemplate this question that appears very simple but is anything but, I'll move on.

Did the injections solve the problem or have they made it worse?

This question is comprised of two seperate questions and I will answer each of them separately below.

Did the injections help people?

One has to be very specific and very accurate when discussing the term "help people".

I will use the definitions governments around the world and the World Health Organisation used when promoting these injectable therapeutic products:

The products reduced the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19

Well, according to this analysis by Dr. Philip McMillan, clearly not!

Countries where people have always been wary of getting vaccines had the same attitude when it comes to these injectables.

This is not surprising but what may be surprising is the indisputable fact that these countries also had a significantly lower rate of deaths from COVID-19 and even a much lower number of cases overall.

When looking at the outcomes in various US states based on the percentage of their residents who have taken the injections, the exact same outcomes are observed.

Furthermore, A Danish study shows that mRNA vaccines offer no benefit whatsoever when it comes to all-cause mortality.

Dr. Chris Masterson who holds a PhD in Pathology from Duke University provides further analysis of this study results and their implications below:

The products make those who take them less likely to contract COVID-19

Again, not according to actual real-life data and even anecdotal data:

I can keep going on and on but I think that's enough.

And just in case you're thinking this is just anecdotal and a coincidence that three highly injected individuals caught COVID-19 within months of their injections, this is definitely not the case!

When the Delta variant of the virus emerged, the countries that were hit the worst were those where the majority of the population had received the COVID-19 injections with the absolute worst hit being Israel, the most highly injected nation on Earth!

You may think that this is due to the fact that the injections were designed to protect best against the original Wuhan strain and not against so called 'variants' and that's a very legitimate thing to say but then how does one explain the fact that the majority of infections and worse yet, severe cases leading to hospitalisations and death were amongst those who have taken the injections.

In Israel for example, official government data shows that 70% of all new infections with the Delta variant amongst the age groups 'eligible' for the injections, were in those that are 'fully vaccinated'.

I think that's probably enough for this point so let's move on, shall we?

The products make those who take them less likely to infect others if they contract COVID-19

Ok, this one is easy: this is simply not true!

This is not me stating my opinion but this is what Pfizer executives said about their own product, as well as the CDC in the US and even the World Health Organisation.

The same was also confirmed through numerous scientific studies such as this one and this one. There are lots more.

Once it became obvious to pretty much anyone that these injections do NOT stop transmission, the health authorities in the highly injected countries quickly scrambled to attempt and rewrite history at the same time that revelations started coming out that those same health authorities used military-grade psychological operations against their own people on Twitter and other social media platforms:

Did the injections make things worse?

As unfortunate as it is for me to say that, the answer is a resounding YES and the evidence for this is so overwhelming and so pervasive (if you look beyond legacy media that is) that I don't even know where to begin.

I guess a good way to approach this mountain of evidence is to start from the 'micro' so to speak (i.e the individual story) and then move to the 'macro' (i.e the story countries and even the entire world).

The Micro-view

Former Australian federal MP Prof. Kerryn Phelps, a medical doctor with over forty years of clinical experience and who was also the first female president of the Australian Medical Association, has come out in December 2022 to reveal that both she and her wife who is a school teacher suffered serious and ongoing injuries from the COVID-19 injectables , while also suggesting the true rate of adverse events is far higher than acknowledged due to underreporting and “threats” from Australia's medical regulators.

Prof. Phelps said both hers and her wife's reactions were reported to the Therapeutic Goods Administration (the Australian equivalent of the FDA) “but were never followed up” and that she had spoken with other doctors “who have themselves experienced a serious and persistent adverse event” but that “vaccine injury is a subject that few in the medical profession have wanted to talk about with threats to doctors not to make any public statements about anything that ‘might undermine the government’s Vaccine rollout’ or risk suspension or loss of their registration.”

The stories of Prof. Phelps and her wife, as shocking as they are, are unfortunately not uncommon at all and there have been many studies done now which link the COVID-19 injections (and especially those of the mRNA kind which transcribe the spike protein into the body) with various health conditions such as heart disease and Neurodegenerative Diseases.

The Macro-view

While the story of Prof. Phelps and her wife is shocking, it is only when you take a macro view of what happened at a country level that you get to see the true magnitude of the damage that was done by these injections and there is really only one way that I can describe it: horrific!

To start with, I want to highlight a few reports from the team at Redacted, a husband and wife team, both former journalists and presenters at major US news networks, who have been doing truly great work throughout the last two years and living true to the motto of every journalist with dignity: reporting the truth without fear or favour.

The first report is about data coming out from Australia which makes it absolutely crystal clear that those who take the COVID-19 injections are more likely to contract COVID-19 and the more doses they take, the more likely they are to get infected again and again.

This ties in perfectly with other data coming from all over the world which shows that people who acquired natural immunity to COVID by contracting the virus without getting an injection beforehand, are better protected against severe cases of the disease than those who have taken the injections.

Furthermore, the more injections one has taken, the less effective is their immune response to an actual infection by the SARS-CoV-2 Virus.

Many immunologists and vaccine experts (including those who have actually been involved in vaccine development in the past) have predicted that this will happen well before the global campaign of mass injections started and some like Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche from Belgium have been very blunt about it saying that the use of "leaky vaccines" (i.e vaccines that do not result in sterilizing immunity) on a global scale against a fast mutating virus like SARS-CoV-2 could literally result in the worst catastrophe in human history and even an existential threat to the survival of our species.

The next story by the Redacted crew does a deep dive into an increasingly recurring and very alarming theme repeating itself all over the world: dramatic increase in "all cause mortality" which in simple terms is the number of people dying from any reason (not specifically COVID-related) and how there is an absolute perfect correlation between this increase and the rollouts of the injections in each of those countries.

To emphasise further: the spike in "all cause mortality" only started happening after the wide scale rollout of the injections. There was no such spike during the initial waves of COVID in 2020 when the injections were not yet available!

Even legacy media have started reporting on the massive spike in "all cause mortality" with the peak body of Actuaries in Australia formally calling on the Australian government to urgently investigate the cause for this spike and whether there is any connection to the mass injection campaign in that country.

World-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, in a recent visit to Australia has pointed out that the number of excess sudden deaths in that country is completely off the charts and that the Australian health authorities should urgently investigate that to determine what connection this has (if any) to the mass rollout of the COVID-19 injections in the country since early 2021.

Now before you go and dismiss this man as another 'conspiracy theorist', I urge you to go and investigate his professional background for yourself. If you do that, you will soon find out that he is recognized internationally as a leading figure in the study of chronic kidney disease as a cardiovascular risk state and has over 1,000 peer-reviewed publications in the scientific literature to his name and over 500 citations in the National Library of Medicine.

No Cardiologist in the history of this field has had more peer-reviewed scientific papers published in the medical literature (EVER)!

Dr. McCullough has been sounding the alarm about the potential of serious risks as a result of these injections pretty much since the rollout began and has been 'shouting from every rooftop' about it, going on every media platform that will have him, which were exclusively independent media as the legacy media refused to go anywhere near him, not to mention giving him a voice.

As an example, here is an interview the good Doctor gave in July 2021:

In the UK, a group of doctors calling themselves Doctors for Patients UK (DfPUK), describing themselves as group of UK doctors dedicated to practising evidence-based, ethical and patient-centred medicine issued a press release in December 2022 calling on the UK government to immediately pause the administration of the mRNA injections and conduct an urgent investigation into their efficacy and more importantly, their safety.

The press release is accompanied by a video which you can watch below:

Alright, at this point you may say that "correlation doesn't equal causation" and you'll be right to say that.

However, there is now also overwhelming evidence suggesting that there is indeed a causal connection between the COVID-19 injections and the spike in excess deaths anywhere where these products have been rolled out on a large scale.

Even the Florida Surgeon-general, the top health official in that US State is now openly and clearly making this connection and demanding answers.

Some of the people best placed to observe such potential causal connection are those who are doing the autopsies on those who died (i.e Pathologists) and those preparing the bodies for burial (i.e funeral directors and especially embalmers).

Below are two videos discussing this connection. I will let you be the judge for yourself.

Was it intentional or just negligent?

That's probably one of the most obvious questions to ask at this point, especially after watching the two videos above.

So what's the answer?

Well, unfortunately the empirical evidence and data as well as a lot of circumstantial evidence suggests that it is the former and there was a clear intention of malice behind the rollout of these injections.

Just a quick warning that this is the point in which this article gets pretty dark and very disturbing. If you go beyond this point, your view on the world you thought you knew is likely to change forever.

If you watched the first Matrix movie, than you will no doubt be familiar with this iconic scene.

Consider this as your personal "red pill" moment and just like in the movie, "all I am offering is the truth, nothing more!".

Ready to 'see the Matrix'?
Brace yourself because "Kansas is going bye bye"

Let me answer the most pressing question straight off the bat:

YES, the carnage caused by the COVID-19 injectables around the world was intentional and YES, there is pure malice behind the campaign to roll out these injection all over the world and there is also another ultimate agenda behind it that is almost too strange to be real (but it is real!) which we will get to a bit later.

I will now prove to you beyond any reasonable doubt that there was indeed malicious intent behind the mass injection campaigns around the world.

To start with and as a bit of a 'warm up', here is some breaking news from Australia where the TGA, which is the Australian equivalent of the FDA, has been able to determine a clear causal link between the COVID-19 injections and the death of children and instead of doing their job and sounding the alarm, hid the data!

This is also not the first time the TGA behaved in such atrocious manner. They have repeatedly and intentionally hid the fact that various batches of the mRNA injections caused more injuries and deaths than others and even went as far as making sure that the "death batches" are the ones that have their use-by date extended to ensure they do indeed get into people's arms and specifically the most vulnerable people in society!

Sounds far fetched?

Dr. Chris Martenson analyses data from a whistleblower and freedom-of-information requests which proves that definitively!

Are you shocked yet? we're only getting started!

In August 2022, veteran Israeli journalist Yaffa Shir-Raz, formerly the chief health correspondent of Yedioth Ahronoth, one of Israel's most widely circulating daily newspapers, broke a story that has since become known as the "IsraeLeak".

For context: Israel was the first country in the world to roll out the Pfizer mRNA Injections to the general public. The mass campaign to administer the injectables started in December 2020, even before the US where these products were manufactured.

Furthermore, Israel used the Pfizer injections exclusively as part of the deal the Israeli PM Netanyahu signed with Pfizer.

The "IsraeLeak" story is comprised of two explosive discoveries:

  1. Israel was meant to report to the FDA on the rate of adverse reactions to the product in order to help them make a decision regarding the granting of the Emergency Use Authorisation. Problem is that Israel didn't have any system in place to monitor and record that information until late 2021 and when the Israeli Ministry of Health reported to the FDA that there were no noticeable adverse events amongst the Israeli population, they simply lied as they would have had no way whatsoever to make such determination at the time.
  2. A monitoring system was created in late 2021 and a team of researchers was commissioned by the Israeli Ministry of Health to monitor the rate of adverse events. The researchers delivered their first report to the Ministry in June 2022 based on 6 months of data spanning from December 2021 to May 2022. The best word to describe the findings (which are based on official government monitoring systems mind you) is SHOCKING. Instead of sounding the alarm globally and immediately stopping the roll-out, the Ministry of Health buried the findings and stopped the research project!

Now these are not some so called 'conspiracy theories' but absolute and irrefutable FACTS:

A meeting was held in June 2022 between the researchers and the Israeli Ministry of Health bureaucrats in which the researchers reported their initial findings (which as mentioned previously, were absolutely SHOCKING). The meeting was conducted over Zoom and through what is maybe a pure act of providence, it was recorded.

The leaking of that recording to Yaffa and a few other journalists in and outside Israel is what gave rise to 'IsraeLeak'.

The full recording has been uploaded online to several censorship-free platforms and can be viewed below. Before you watch it, I would like to clarify that this is the raw video. It has not been edited, enhanced or modified in any way except adding English subtitles to it as the video itself is in Hebrew.

I have watched the full video and as a native Hebrew speaker can confirm that the English subtitles are accurate and do indeed reflect what is being said in Hebrew.

This is an absolutely massive story as the Israeli data that was given to the FDA was then used to clear the rollout of the Pfizer mRNA injections globally so just imagine if that data was completely fake. Well guess what? It was!!

If you want to delve a bit deeper into these explosive revelations, you can watch this webinar Yaffa did summarising the revelations and her findings as well as this substack post by an independent Israeli investigative journalist.

If instead you just want a TL;DR version of the chain of events and key findings of 'IsraeLeak', this interview Rebel News Journalist Avi Yemini did with Yaffa Shir-Raz, the brave Israeli journalist who first broke this story, is what you should watch next:

Think this is pretty bad so far? It gets worse, much worse!

Edward Dowd is an investment analyst with over 30 years experience, including 10 years as portfolio manager at BlackRock, the second biggest investment company in the world.

Amongst his roles at BlackRock was managing the BlackRock Capital Appreciation Fund and several large institutional accounts. He personally managed client assets worth more than $14 billion and his fund ranked in the top quartile of the large cap growth funds category for 5 years in a row (2006-2010).

Edward's biggest expertise and the key to his success as a portfolio manager and very senior investment banker, according to his own admission, is his ability to accurately analyse data and always be led by it.

This led him to conclude definitively that the big spike in "all cause mortality" was directly related to the COVID-19 injections and worse yet, this spike was both anticipated and intentional! He even wrote a book about it.

Ed gave many interviews about his findings but I think the one below is especially pertinent due to the following:

  • Edward Dowd reveals that the CDC's own data indicates 61,000 millennials (i.e people aged 25 to 44) have died after the implementation of vaccine mandates. This is approximately the same number of soldiers that died during the Vietnam War (58,000) .
  • Edward is also saying that he is becoming increasingly convinced that this was planned, rather than just power and greed. He is saying:"I need a little more evidence, but I'm leaning towards that at this point. I'm data-based, data-driven. It is starting to look super ridiculously ugly from that standpoint. The over 65 generation saw 306,000 excess deaths in the second half of 2021 and into February 2022. "

This interview Edward gave is with Alex Jones and I know many people have strong opinions about this man but I urge you to put these aside and just listen to what Edward has to say. You can just go ahead and mute Alex whenever he speaks if you like. You'll still get the full effect.

Just to prove to you that Edward Dowd is not some character on the 'fringe of mainstream' that can only get on so called "conspiracy theorists" shows like those of Alex Jones, he also gave an interview very recently to the biggest star of legacy media outlet Fox News, Tucker Carlson who also mentioned his book on his show which is the highest rated show on that network!

The full and unedited interview can be found below:

To add insult to injury (literally!), internal documents from Pfizer themselves that have surfaced recently show that they themselves recorded 42 Neurological Adverse Events (95% of which were serious) and 16 deaths within the first 90 Days of the rollout of their mRNA Injectables in the US.

Furthermore, in another explosive revelation released just this week, it was revealed that Pfizer didn't maintain any records of its clinical trials to assess the safety and efficacy of its mRNA injectables in pregnant women and therefore was unable to provide any data upon request.

Instead, they responded to Australian medical scientist and investigative journalist Dr. Maryanne Demasi, former lead reporter for Catalyst, the leading science show on ABC TV, the primary national TV channel of Australia's public broadcaster, that:

"Pfizer does not yet have a complete data set from the maternal immunization study, C4591015. Pfizer and BioNTech plan to complete the analysis of the clinical trial C4591015 and share it with global public health regulators and seek publication or presentation as is our standard practice. "

Say what??!

Finally, I want to include this analysis by Dr. John Campbell in which he compares how the discovery of adverse reactions to the COVID-19 injections did not result in their suspension whereas injections developed in the past to treat/prevent other infectious diseases which had a significantly lower rate of adverse reactions, were removed promptly from the market.

My own personal question when watching this video is: what's so different about these injectables and why are governments around the world so determined to do whatever it takes to ensure as many of their citizens take them, regardless of any potential harm they may be causing?

I'll leave you to contemplate the answer for yourself but will propose one myself which you can consider a little bit further below.

Let's talk about fraud

So called "Big Pharma" has a long and 'proud' history of fraud.

No company in this industry, as bad as they all are, even comes close to Pfizer when it comes to the level of fraud and outright criminality!

Given the nature of the opportunity to be one of the first to come out with a COVID-19 'vaccine' that could be marketed as "safe and effective", and the amount of money at stake, it was to be expected that Pfizer will pull out all the stops and go all-in with fraud that even eclipses what they themselves did in the past.

And by the looks of it, Pfizer clearly didn't 'disappoint'!

The level of their fraud and outright criminality when it comes to their COVID-19 Injectables (developed as a joint venture with the German biotechnology company BioNTech), as well as the antiviral drugs to treat severe cases of COVID-19, is only starting to come out now and as bad as it already is, it is my personal opinion that we are not even scratching the surface yet.

In February 2023, major German newspaper Die Welt came out with a big expose about BioNTech, the joint venture partner of Pfizer in the project to develop their mRNA-based COVID-19 injectables.

The article is in German and behind a paywall but you can read a summary and commentary in English here.

In addition to that, the team at Redacted also did a story about the explosive revelations which you can watch below:

There was also the so called "Directed Evolution" scandal in which Pfizer's director of research and development boasted to an undercover investigative journalist of Project Veritas how they were intentionally creating new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in their labs!

Just read the Project Veritas report on this story for yourself. There isn't anything I can really add to that!

In case you still want some more context and commentary on this absolutely explosive story (which in my opinion should result in that specific Pfizer executive going directly to jail without collecting $200 for the egregious crime of conspiring to manufacture biological weapons!!), this commentary from Pharma industry insider Sasha Latypova is very handy.

There is also this segment independent journalist Kim Iversen did on her show about these revelations.

I think this is more than enough to give you a good picture of the sort of people and companies we are dealing with so let's move on.

The COVID-19 injectables were NOT Therapeutics. They were "Countermeasures"

Ok, so what do I mean by that and what does it mean in simple terms?

Well, remember Sasha Latypova who I mentioned above? She is probably one of the people best suited to explain that but first a few words about her background:

Sasha spent the majority of her professional life in the pharma and medical industries with specific focus on development, validation, regulatory acceptance and commercialization of new clinical technologies. She has extensive experience in developing new pharma products and entire service lines as well as establishing strategic alliances with big pharma, medical device companies and strategic channel partners, as well as interacting with global healthcare regulators.

She is a true industry insider and has worked with most of the big players in this space, as well as with the government regulators who are supposed (emphasis added on purpose) to ensure they play by the rules.

I'd like to start with an interview Sasha gave to Clayton Morris from Redacted in which she revealed (and provided detailed documentary proof) that the entire COVID-19 program was managed in the US by the Department of Defence, not the Department of Health and Human services (whose staff, as well as those at the FDA and CDC were merely used as 'human props') and that the COVID-19 injections were developed and treated as "countermeasures" rather than medical therapeutics.

This difference in terminology is not just semantics. It's a lot more than that!

The development of the COVID-19 Injections as "countermeasures" for the department of defence meant that informed consent of participants in any human trials was not required and if they got injured, it was close to impossible for them to receive any compensation.

Furthermore, human trials were technically not even required to be conducted before such "countermeasures" could be rolled out!!

The same approach wasn't just taken in the US as evidence is coming out that other countries also conducted the clinical trials of the mRNA injections as "defence countermeasures" under the authority of their military and defence establishment, rather than their healthcare regulators. For example: the clinical trials of the Pfizer product in Argentina.

In addition to that interview, I also strongly recommend you read this article written about Sasha and her findings by Jonas Vesterberg, who has become a bit of a role model, sounding board and even a friend over the last few months, despite the fact we have never actually met in person. He lives in the US and I still can't visit that country due to my 'medical choices'.

Next you should watch the interview Sasha gave to Robert F. Kennedy Jnr., the son of legendary US politician Robert F. Kennedy and the nephew of John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, who was assassinated in 1963. This interview focuses specifically on the extent of willful fraud and negligence during the so called 'clinical trials' of the mRNA injectables made by Moderna. This shows that the issue of fraud and obvious malicious intent is not restricted just to Pfizer.

Finally, please watch this presentation Sasha gave recently at an international conference in Stockholm in which she explains why it is obvious that there was clear malicious intent to harm people with these injections, rather than just negligence or greed.

The bottom of the rabbit hole (for now): Transhumanism & the "Fourth Industrial Revolution"

We've truly come a long way together in this post.

Hopefully by now I have managed to show you that:

  1. The COVID-19 Injections harm people; and
  2. That it was intentional.

However, despite what you may think, I am not done yet. Far from it.

The last section of this 'beast' of a post is dedicated to covering the absolutely most explosive revelation of all about these injections:

While the massive campaign to get these injections into as many humans as possible around the world did definitely have the intention to cause harm as I have shown above, it wasn't actually the ultimate objective.

The ultimate objective is profoundly more sickening and disturbing than that!

This objective is so 'out there' it is almost entirely impossible to believe. I myself had to spend days and weeks corroborating these claims before I could accept them and that's even with everything I already knew by then about the hidden agenda behind COVID-19 and the injectables.

This objective is not new and has been discussed in SciFi books and popular culture for many decades. It can be best described as:

The merging of human biology with technology.

The people and organisations behind this idea believe that this is the next step in human evolution and often refer to it as transhumanism.

In recent years, this concept has also been branded by the World Economic Forum and its founder Klaus Schwab as The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Here is a slick promo video on this concept which was made by them all the way back in 2016:

"So how does all of this ties in with the C19 Injections?"

That is a great question but answering it with mere words is actually not that easy!

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words and a video is worth a thousand pictures. This has never been more true than in this particular instance.

There is absolutely no way I can introduce this topic through words, especially if you have never been exposed to this information previously!

Instead, I will let this 23 minute segment from the outstanding "The Big Reset" documentary project do that for me.

Please watch this segment in full before reading on as without it, you will be missing some crucial context and background information and won't be able to fully comprehend the rest of this post.

See you in 23 minutes:

Still there?

Well, that certainly was a doozy, wasn't it? It's almost like watching some twisted SciFi show.

Speaking of SciFi, this notion of having nanotech implanted into people's bodies (often without their knowledge) has been widely featured in various movies and TV shows of the SciFi genre.

Here are just two examples:

Ok, so we now must consider the fact that at least some brands and batches of the COVID-19 injections contain self-assembling technology varying in size from nano to micro which can be detected, and even connected to, via bluetooth.

I must admit that this was a bit too much for me as well to take in at first but not only was I able to corroborate this but I actually discovered that this is the most pressing issue about these injectable products at the moment and there is a mammoth effort currently underway by science (the real one, not the farce of the last three years) involving hundreds of Doctors, Biomedical scientists, Electronics engineers and cybersecurity experts from all over the world who are trying to figure out this technology which appears to be years and even decades ahead of anything known to the general public.

There is also a race to find a ‘cure’ so to speak which is essentially a way to remove these things from the bodies of the people who have been injected or neutralise them, at the very least.

The reason why it’s a race is because there are legitimate concerns that this technology which is now potentially inside millions of people around the world, may be used for nefarious uses and if that happens, the potential consequences are beyond what any reasonable human would even want to contemplate.

It has been suggested by many that one of the potential uses of this "mass implantation" event of these technological components inside people's bodies is hinted to by a patent application lodged by none other than Microsoft, the computer giant created by Bill Gates.

They lodged a patent application in the US in 2018 and then globally in 2019 for a proof-of-work cryptocurrency where the mining process (which is an essential component of any proof-of-work cryptocurrency) is conducted through body activity data.

This may seem pretty far fetched at first but when you read the patent application for yourself, you will see that Microsoft clearly have thought this through and were clearly intending to commercialise that at some point given they have gone through the effort of lodging these applications and all the associated documents and processes that come with that.

As you also saw in the video above, the idea of using DNA as a "programmable tool" is something that Bill Gates' outfit definitely doesn't consider as far fetched.

I have not been able to obtain any definitive proof linking this patent application with the "mass implantation" event that has clearly occurred over the last 18-24 months (and is likely still taking place right now) and I don't know of anyone else who has but I wanted to include this information here to demonstrate to you that there are indeed people in the technology space that think quite differently than 'mere mortals'.

There is also obviously the so called "senior adviser" to the World Economic Forum who has openly boasted about being able to "hack humans" in the not so distant future.

One of the people at the forefront of the efforts to figure out what this technology is all about is the American physician Dr. Ana Mihalcea who was one of the first people in the entire world to embark on a deep dive and properly structured scientific research into these structures she found in the blood of the injected.

Dr. Mihalcea publishes a substack which covers this topic extensively and which I highly recommend. A good place to start is this post which provides a summary of all the research and evidence to-date. As you'll see, there is already a very large body of work that has already been done on this subject and it is growing almost daily as the research on this area is being conducted at truly breakneck speeds, mostly out of pure necessity and a real sense of urgency everyone involved in this research (and there are likely over a hundred people involved by now) has.

Another great resource to go to is the website of Dr. David Nixon.

Dr. Nixon was a humble General Practitioner in Brisbane, Australia who started to have concerns about the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 injectables and the mRNA-based ones in particular.

One day, he took the contents of one of the Pfizer vials they had in the clinic he worked in and put it under the Microscope. What he discovered horrified him!

He saw the same self-assembling nano and micro size technological components described in the extract from the Big Reset documentary above, something which has also been observed by many other researchers all over the world.

He also discovered that these ‘structures’ (for lack of a better word) seem to respond to WiFi signals.

When the content of the vial was left on a Petri dish and in room temperature, the structures started to self-assemble within hours.

When he then took the Petri dish and put it in a faraday cage where the contents of the vials were insulated from any WiFi signals, the structures disappeared.

Dr. Nixon made several videos recording his findings and then did an interview on the Australian-based independent media platform Zeee Media to break the story and put a callout to other researchers in the hope that they could shed some light on these findings as he had absolutely no idea what he was looking at.

The first thing that happened following this interview was Dr. Nixon losing his job at the clinic in Brisbane he was working at as a GP.

It got worse from there with AHPRA, the government regulator responsible for registering and managing the licenses of doctors and other medical professionals in Australia, suspending his license to practice medicine, meaning he couldn't work as a doctor anywhere else, including being self-employed.

I know for a fact through first hand accounts from the good Doctor himself, that AHPRA's stance towards him has become increasingly more aggressive ever since, putting him in a very precarious situation and in a bit of a limbo, essentially preventing him from moving on with his professional life and potential business initiatives but will not discuss that here in respect to Dr. Nixon's privacy.

All I will say for the record is that I met him and he is one of the most brave souls I have ever had the privilege to meet in-person and is absolutely full of integrity, on both the professional and personal level!

There was also a positive that came out from this interview which is that Dr. Nixon was connected and started working closely with Dr. Ana Mihalcea from the US (who I mentioned previously) as well as other experts around the world who were (and still are) at the forefront of researching these structures.

Now that Dr. Nixon couldn’t practice medicine anymore unfortunately, he decided to dedicate all his energy to the research of the nanotech in the injections and came back again on Zeee media to report his new findings, including the discovery that these structures had some sort of 'stealth' capability by which they could respond to their environment and various signals and hide themselves!

This is similar to what was observed by other researchers and also discussed briefly in the extract from "The Big Reset" documentary above.

Dr. Nixon’s website contains the entire body of research he conducted on these structures as well as all the videos he filmed of these things assembling, disassembling and moving around.

He has specific sections on his website for findings specific to the Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax injectables which are the three brands he had access to so far and was therefore able to study personally.

Dr. Nixon also has his own substack in which he talks about his findings as he discovers them and this is the best way to stay across his research, which is what he spends most of his energy on these days.

Speaking of his substack, Dr. Nixon just published a post discussing live blood analysis which is something Dr. Mihalcea has done the bulk of her research on whereas Dr. Nixon initially focused just on putting the contents of the vials of these injections directly under the Microscope so far.

As you can imagine, the results are quite disturbing albeit fascinating when looked purely through a scientific lense.

Maria Zeee of Zeee Media also did a two part interview on her show on the Stew Peters Network, a popular independent media platform in the US, with two Electrical Engineers about their own research and discoveries around these self-assembling structures.

Part 1 can be found here while part 2 can be found here.

These interviews reveal things that are deeply disturbing, even beyond what was already mentioned by Dr. Mihalcea and Dr. Nixon and also align with the discoveries of other researchers who are saying that these structures are part of a much bigger picture and that there is in a sense an arms race going on with regards to the capabilities and uses of what is essentially nano-size weapons of military grade.

If by this point you still have any doubts whatsoever about whether this notion of the C19 injections containing advanced nanotech is real or just a "crazy conspiracy theory", hopefully this next bit will put any doubts you may have to rest once and for all!

Below is the cover and funding request submitted in February 2023 by the National Science and Technology Council which is part of the White House Office of Science and Technology.

The above should speak for itself but in case you need more context, have a read of this.

So here we are. How are you traveling so far?

Sick to your stomach yet?

Maybe you're thinking the same thing I was thinking when first coming across this information: "Thank god I didn't take any of these injections!"

That's a very natural and normal reaction but I am very very sad to say (including for myself personally) that those of us who have not taken any of these injections are unfortunately not off the hook and get to ride happily into the sunset!

You see, while we are almost at the bottom of the rabbit hole, we are not quite there just yet.

Shedding and the nanotech found in the injections mean that those who haven't been injected are also affected

There are two aspects to this statement and I will discuss each separately.

Those who have been injected are shedding the Spike protein

There have been a lot of innuendos and even outright concerns floating around since the start of the mass injection campaign that those who take these injections, and specifically the mRNA variety, may shed the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 into the environment, thus potentially affecting people around them who have not taken such injections. This is due to the fact that the mRNA injections essentially turn those who have been injected into "spike protein factories" of sort and the fact that the spike protein isn't just the mechanism by which the virus enters the cells, as was initially thought, but is the actual payload that is causing the symptoms of COVID-19. There is also overwhelming evidence to suggest it has been artificially engineered and weaponised in a lab.

The concerns around shedding of the Spike protein by those who have been injected with the mRNA shots have been dismissed outright as soon as they were initially voiced and those who made them were called "conspiracy theorists", "Anti Vaxxers" and much much worse.

As it has unfortunately become way too often over the last three years, eventually when the science and the facts caught up, it has been proven once again that the so called "conspiracy theorists" were right this time as well!

There is now undeniable scientific evidence that:

  1. The Spike Protein manufactured in the body of those who took the mRNA injections stays there for much longer than initially thought and that it spreads all over the body, including areas and organs nowhere near the injection site in the arm.
  2. Those who took the mRNA injections are likely "shedding" spike protein, affecting those around them even if they haven't taken any injections.

Dr. Peter McCullough is addressing that second point directly in the video below:

Those who have been injected can and do pass the nanotech inside them to those who have not taken the injections

This revelation that is now unfortunately undeniable, as I will shortly show you, is probably the most disturbing of all and with it, we have finally reached the current bottom of this very disturbing journey down the rabbit hole.

The implications of it are obviously quite profound for every single member of the human family and especially those of us who happen to live in countries where campaigns of mass injections with the COVID-19 injectables (and not just the mRNA variety) have taken place.

Let's look at the facts currently available but please also keep in mind that this is literally the bleeding edge of science and the many researchers around the world looking into this, are learning new things about this clearly very advanced technology almost daily.

What we know so far with a fairly high level of certainty is that the nanotech can and does pass on from an injected person to one who is not through blood transfusions.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea who was one of the first in the world to conduct live blood analysis on the blood of those who received the injections and subsequently sounded the alarm about hydrogel and what appeared to be crystalline and technological components ranging in size from micro to nano, also started to see these structures during live blood analysis of people who according to their own statements, have not taken any of the injections.

Keep in mind though that such statements can't be actually independently verified as there is currently no known test that can show definitively whether a person has received a dose of any of these injections or not. The only anecdotal test available is to look at ones government vaccination records.

What Dr. Mihalcea was able to determine though with a high degree of certainty was that all the people who haven't received the injections but did have these structures and other related blood abnormalities, have received a blood transfusion relatively recently.

Dr. Mihalcea discussed these findings as well as additional things she discovered in the two months since first revealing the issue with blood transfusions on her substack in interviews with Mike Adams with as well as Maria Zeee who have been covering her findings since they first started to come out.

You can watch her interviews with Mike Adams & Maria Zeee below:

Dr. Ana Mihalcea is not the only one sounding the alarm about nanotech from the injections passing on to those who haven't taken them.

Shimon Yanowitz is an independent researcher from Israel who also has similar findings. Shimon has a background in electrical engineering and physics and has been an avid nanorobotics researcher for some time now. He has worked in the high-tech industry all over the world for decades and founded his own company based on a technology patent for improving the conductivity of semiconductors.

He shares his findings in this interview with Sasha Latypova who also provides her own commentary on the subject, given her extensive experience in the Pharma industry and her own findings which I already discussed previously:

Shimon also shared his findings and expanded on them further in this interview he gave to Maria Zeee on her show on the Stew Peters network:

Acting on this information

True to our name, everything we do here at Actionable Truth Media revolves around the following two tenets:

  1. Reporting the full and unfiltered TRUTH as per the vision of the late Dr. Ze'Ev Zelenko who inspired us to always "propagate the truth like a mantra" ; and
  2. Explain how you can ACT on the information because otherwise, you may be left in a pretty dark space (and that's me speaking from personal experience undergoing my own journey of awakening). This is especially true in the case of the information we revealed in this post!

No now that we have revealed the truth, it is time for action!

We will start from the easiest and most obvious action step and progressively move to the more challenging ones.

Don't take ANY more of the COVID-19 injections!!

That's pretty obvious and should be self-explanatory at this stage.

Despite the mountain of evidence that is already out there that these injections do not stop infection, transmission or severe illness and are actually harming people (to put it very very mildly), governments around the world are still pushing them on their unsuspecting citizens.

There are so many examples for this but just as a small sample, the chair of the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) testified before a Senate committee in February 2022 that they cannot rule out that four or even five doses of the COVID-19 injections will be needed in order for Australians to be considered 'up to date' in their protection against the virus.

True to this 'vision', a fifth dose of these injections (very rightly and accurately described by the late Dr. Zelenko as "poison death shots") is currently being rolled out in Australia.

Meanwhile in the US, the so called 'Public Health Authorities' in Los Angeles are openly calling for people to get a 'booster' if it has been more than 2 months since their last injection!

Just say NO and do not take any more injections, no matter what. Simple!

Undergo a detoxification process to remove the Spike protein from your body (whether acquired through an injection or through infection with the virus)

Ok, so this is obviously a bit more involved as unlike the previous action step which required you to simply refrain from taking a certain action, this one will actually require you to actively do something.

However, luckily for us all, this "something" you need to do is very well researched by now and proven to be effective. It is also relatively easy and inexpensive to do.

The detoxification process from the Spike protein (which we now know is not simply just the mechanism used by the virus to enter the human cell but is actually the toxic and harmful 'payload' itself) is outlined in a detailed manual created by the World Council for Health which is now available in 17 languages (at the time of this publication).

You can download it for free and without providing any personal information (e.g. email or phone number) from their website

The World Council for Health (WCH) is a really incredible organisation which I think and hope will replace the evil and corrupt World Health Organisation in the not too distant future.

It's a global coalition of health-focused initiatives and civil society groups seeking to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom and is dedicated to safeguarding human rights and free will while empowering people to take control of their health and wellbeing. It's also non-profit initiative that is informed and entirely funded by the people.

WCH is the 'brainchild' of the incredible and brave Dr Tess Lawrie whose bio you can read here.

Dr. Lawrie gave this short yet very powerful speech during the "defeat the mandates" rally in Washington DC in January 2022:

Remove or disable the nanotech inside your body and prevent it from spreading to others

The final action is the most challenging of all and I want to preface that by saying that this is the absolute bleeding edge of science and the research around this is well and truly in its infancy.

Although research is conducted at breakneck speeds to find a reliable and effective solution, it is truly a mammoth task and there is no scientific consensus at this stage about a specific course of action that is definitely and 100% effective. Consider everything said below as highly experimental and treat it as such.

I also want to emphasise that we are not your doctor (or anyone's doctors for that matter) and are simply reporting the facts and the evidence as they emerge.

Ok, so after this necessary introduction, let's dive into some potential solutions that are starting to emerge.

If you haven't been injected, attempt to avoid any blood transfusion coming from a donor who has taken these injections

This is obviously much easier said than done as there is no government blood service in the world today (to the best of my knowledge at least) that records whether a donor received a COVID-19 injection or not.

There are private initiatives that are starting to emerge with "Safe Blood" out of Switzerland seemingly at the most advanced stages of rollout.

However, please keep in mind that some of the most prominent people in what has been called the "medical freedom" movement have publicly come out and said that such move is not feasible and any initiative along the lines of creating dedicated blood banks of blood taken exclusively from people who haven't been injected is bound to fail.

I will leave you to make your own decisions on the matter.

Interfering, destroying or disabling the nanotech inside your body

Ok, so I mentioned previously, this is literally the bleeding edge of science!

There are multiple solutions that have shown some potential but none have yet been tested on a large scale and has been fully peer reviewed and definitively established to work.

Treat everything below as highly experimental!

Dr. Ana Mihalcea has done some experiments which have shown that EDTA Chelation may potentially help with removing the nanotech from the body.

She spoke about it in many interviews and discussed it extensively on her substack. This post in particular is worth checking out.

The latest interview she gave on the subject was with fellow Dr. Samuel Sigoloff, a US Army veteran who had his medical license suspended by the Texas medical board for the 'crime' of writing exemptions to his patients from taking the injections. You can watch the interview below:

Late January 2023, Dr. David Nixon spoke again on Zeee Media announcing that according to experiments he conducted, colloidal gold (but not colloidal silver) appears to be able to permanently neutralise the nanotech when ingested orally.

He is unsure as of the exact reason but his thinking is that this is due to the fact that colloidal gold is able to break the electromagnetic surface tension of these structures, causing them to collapse on themselves.

He has shown this to happen in several videos he has taken which he has shown publicly for the first time in this interview:

Dr. Nixon further expanded on this topic and shared some new findings during a presentation he gave at an event in February 2023 on the Gold Coast in Australia which I have attended personally.

During the presentation he expanded further on his findings involving colloidal gold as well as work he has been doing with a RIFE machine that had some pretty impressive results in patients.

He also corroborated the findings of other researchers around the world that unfortunately when conducting live blood analysis (which he has started to do as well), the majority of the people who have not been injected do appear to have some nanotech in their blood as well.

The event has been filmed and Dr. Nixon was kind enough to share the recording publicly with the world through his website. You can watch it in full and unedited HERE.


We have truly come a very long way together in this article and I can definitely understand and empathise with how you must be feeling now as I have gone through these same very emotions myself, only a little bit sooner.

You may feel a bit lost and not sure what to do next and if that's the case, this article pointed out several potential solutions, albeit many of them highly experimental.

Regardless of if you choose to take any of the actions mentioned above, there is one action that you definitely can and MUST take which is speak out!

If this article resonated with you, please share it widely anywhere you can but most importantly: always (always!) speak your TRUTH!

This is the ONLY way we we get to end this collective nightmare as Matt Wong of Discernable put it best in his monologue below:

Always remember that there are 7 BILLION of us whereas our adversaries are no more than 2,000 people (and even that is probably an exaggeration)!

No matter how much money and other resources they have at their disposal, as Prof. Mattias Desmet rightly points out in this interview, history has shown beyond any reasonable doubt that all that is necessary is for about 10% of the population to 'wake up' from the "Mass Formation" they have gone through and victory is assured.

I strongly believe that we are well and truly past the 10% mark!!

Finally, a word for our adversaries who have been pulling the strings behind the curtain for many decades (and maybe even centuries) and used their vast resources for their most important goal - to remain HIDDEN from public view:


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